Andrew Slaton

Logistics Services

Andrew Slaton
Logistics Services



Take the stress level down a couple notches, with some new travel logistics solutions to assist you in planning your trip to the Winds and have more time for you to skinny dip in a high, glacial lake!

Parking: free

Do you need a place to park your car or fishing boat during your trip? Do you want the peace of mind of having the vehicle in a safe place with people keeping an eye out for it? Park it at the GOTCO Compound and be ready to roll!

Luggage Storage: free

Don’t bury your luggage, because you can’t figure out what to do with it! We can store your luggage and bring it to your pick-up or pick it up on the way.

Resupply and Delivery Service: Price varies 

Are you long distance hiking and need a resupply closer to the trail? We can deliver packages to trailheads and lodges with other shuttles. We don’t pack items into the mountains FYI (see recommended outfitters below).

If you are on a tight vacation schedule and need some items like fuel, bear spray, etc. but there simply isn’t time and you need to get on the trail ASAP, simply order items online from our friends at the GREAT OUTDOOR SHOP, and we can pick them up and bring the items to your shuttle pick-up.

Spot Packs & Gear Drops

Bald Mountain Outfitters

Mule Shoe Outfitters 

Llama Rental Emily Burstad *  * 307-389-0376

If there is something else we could help out with to make your trip stress free,  JUST let us know!